Hormones and Your Skin

The Insides Control The Outside
Perhaps nothing impacts the look of your skin more than the changes in hormones every month, and over your lifespan.

You probably know that your hormones fluctuate both during your period and over your lifetime. But, you might not realize the many ways that these hormones can affect your skin, especially, the "Happy Hormone".

The "Happy Hormone",Serotonin, it greatly influences an overall sense of well-being. It also helps to regulate moods, temper anxiety, and relieve depression. It is also credited with being a natural sleep aid. It even plays an important role in regulating such things as aggression, appetite, and sexuality. It also helps with regulating body temperature and metabolism.

In layman's term: Happy brings Healthy, and Healthy brings Beauty.In conclusion, No Happy, No Beauty.

You may had this experience before, you was taking good care of your skin with full range skin care products and regular facial treatment. However, if your mood was bad, your skin condition was definitely bad too because when you were in a bad mood, your body produced "bad mood hormone" which affected the beauty of your skin.

How does ESLIM's treatment could help you to boost your body to produce "Happy Hormone" which control your Beauty ?

Feel free to visit us to understand more. We are there to explain to you more details and willing to listen to you, and together you will determine suitable treatments that meet your beauty expectations and needs.